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When we moved into our new home, like many new homes the yard wasn’t finished.  We had to decide what we wanted to do with it because the dirt and rocks were such eyesores.  Since our kids liked to play in the yard and many of our neighbors had lawns in their backyards, we decided that we should put a lawn in also.  Since we had a large area to cover, we didn’t want to plant the grass and decided that using sod would be the best option.  We first had to prepare the yard by removing all the big rocks and sifting the smaller rocks out with a chicken wire and 2x4 set-up we had made.  It took a lot of work, but we finally were ready to get the lawn in.

            We got the sod put in and let it rest for a day or two before we walked on it.  It totally changed the look of our yard!  Since then, we have spent a lot of time in the yard.  We have had a lot of family picnics, birthday parties, and our kids love to play all kinds of sports back there.  I have enjoyed playing catch with my kids and relaxing with my family.  We also live in a prime spot to watch the fireworks on the 4th of July.  Every year we have a BBQ and then watch the fireworks with our friends!  When I started to install the sod, I was able to find this site on the internet to help me with the process: